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American College of Veterinary Microbiologists American College of Veterinary Microbiologists


Directory of Diplomates

Directory of Diplomates

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Diplomate Listing

Name Field Specialization Job Title Organization
Francis R. Abinanti Academia General Not listed Not listed
Arnold D. Alstad General Not listed Not listed
David P. Anderson Education Research General Dean Emeritus, CVM UGA Not listed
James R. Andreasen Jr. Industry Virology Not listed Not listed
Wayne E. Bailie General Not listed Not listed
Charles A. Baldwin Education Research Bacteriology & Mycology
Retired Not listed
Lora R. Ballweber Education Research Parasitology Professor Not listed
Jeffrey E. Barlough Education Research General Not listed Not listed
Ota Barta Education Research General Not listed Not listed
Thomas E. Besser Education Research Bacteriology & Mycology
Professor emeritus Not listed
Ernst L. Biberstein General Professor of Microbiology Not listed
James L. Bittle General Not listed Not listed
Terry L. Bowersock Industry Bacteriology & Mycology Not listed Not listed
Richard W. Brown General Not listed Not listed
Gerald M. Buening Education Research General Associate Dean for Research and Postdoctoral Studies, Interim Chairman Veterinary Pathobiology Not listed
Dieter Burger General Not listed Not listed
Jerry J. Callis General Not listed Not listed
Bruce W. Calnek General Professor Emeritus Not listed
Leland E. Carmichael General Professor of Virology, Emeritus, Baker Institute Not listed
C. Andrew Carson Education Research General Professor, Department of Veterinary Microbiology Not listed
M. M. Chengappa Academia General University Distinguished Professor Kansas State University
Nancy E. Clough Government Virology
Sr. Staff Veterinarian Not listed
Michael T. Collins Education Research General Professor, Department of Pathobiological Sciences Not listed
William M. Colwell General Not listed Not listed
Hollis Utah Cox Education Research General Professor Not listed
Timothy B. Crawford Virology
Associate Professor Not listed
Charles K. Csiza Government General Research Scientist Not listed
Jean M. D'Offay Education Research Virology Professor Emeritus Not listed
A. H. Dardiri General Diagnostics Research Collaborator Not listed
Scott A. Dee Biosecurity Bacteriology & Mycology Not listed Not listed
Robert W. Dellers Education Research General Consultant Not listed
Harry W. Dickerson Education Research General Associate Professor, Medical Microbiology Not listed
Richard E. Dierks General Retired Not listed
Roland A. Dommert Education Research General Executive Vice-President Not listed
James W. Dunn General Not listed Not listed
Bernard C. Easterday General Dean Emeritus and Professor Emeritus, School of Veterinary Medicine Not listed
E. Denis Erickson Education Research General Not listed Not listed
A. Konrad Eugster General Not listed Not listed
Harvey Fisch Government General Retired Not listed
Glynn H. Frank Government General Veterinary Medical Officer Not listed
Robert W. Fulton General Professor Not listed
Joseph H. Gainer General Visiting Consultant Not listed
Charles Gale Industry General Not listed Not listed
Laurel J. Gershwin Education Research General Distinguished Professor University of California, Davis
James H. Gillespie General Not listed Not listed
Williams S. Gochenour, Jr. General President Not listed
Michael G. Groves Education Research General Dean Not listed
Jorge Guerrero Academia Parasitology Adjunct Professor Not listed
Donald P. Gustafson General Not listed Not listed
Billy B. Hancock Industry General Consultant Not listed
Richard J. Hidalgo Education Research General Professor Emeritus Retired at LSU Not listed
Stephen B. Hitchner General Not listed Not listed
Roger M. Hogle Education Research General Not listed Not listed
James A. House Government General Section Head, Reagents & Vaccine Servs Not listed
Daniel L. Jarboe Government Immunology Assistant Vice President Not listed
Paul F. Jungerman General Owner Not listed
Kevin R. Kazacos Academia Parasitology Professor of Veterinary Parasitology Not listed
Johnathan L. Kiel Industry Parasitology
Not listed Not listed
Daniel J. King Government General Veterinary Medical Officer USDA, ARS (Retired)
Stanley H. Kleven Education Research General Research Professor and Head Not listed
Theodore T. Kramer Education Research General Professor Not listed
Lloyd H. Lauerman Jr. General Retired Not listed
George E. Lewis Jr. Administration General Retired Not listed
David H. Ley Education Research Immunology Professor Emeritus North Carolina State University
Melissa C. Libal Diagnostics General Veterinary Bacteriologist, TVMDL Not listed
Charles W Livingston, Jr. General Retired Not listed
Joseph R. (Ray) Long Education Research General Retired Not listed
Donald Gene Luther General Retired Not listed
John A. Lynch Academia General Project Manager BMRF Western University
Charles D. Mackenzie Education Research Parasitology Professor Not listed
David L. Madden Education Research General Not listed Not listed
Keith T. Maddy General Not listed Not listed
John S. McDonald General Not listed Not listed
Peter D. Mckercher General Not listed Not listed
Patrick Meeus Industry Parasitology Not listed Not listed
William L. Mengeling General Research Leader, Retired Not listed
Roy D. Montgomery III Education Research General Associate Professor Not listed
Richard W. Moore General Professor Emeritus Not listed
Rebecca J. Morton Education Research General Professor Emerita Not listed
Robert M. Nakamura Education Research General Professor Not listed
Gopi P.S. Nayar Government General Manager, Infectious Disease Division Not listed
John W. Osebold General Professor of Immunology Not listed
Fernando A. Osorio Education Research General Professor Emeritus University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Jacobus F.C.A. Pantekoek Government General Special Advisor Not listed
John B. Parks Clinical Practice General Not listed Not listed
Jeanne L Pelletier Administration General Chief Operating Officer Beyond Indigo
George C. Poppensiek General Dean & James Law Prof Comp Med Emeritus Not listed
Leon N.D. Potgieter Education Research General Professor and Head Not listed
David G. Pugh Academia Parasitology Professor Not listed
Debra Cross Quenelle Education Research Immunology Not listed Not listed
P. Gopal Reddy Academia Immunology Retired 09/01/2021 Not listed
Carlos Reggiardo Academia General Research Scientist Not listed
Bruce D. Rosenquist General Professor Not listed
Richard F. Ross Education Research General Professor Not listed
Y. M. Saif Education Research General Professor and Head Not listed
Donald H. Schlafer Education Research General Professor Not listed
Linda K Schlater Government Virology
Bacteriology & Mycology
retired Not listed
Robert L. Schricker General Not listed Not listed
Fredric W. Scott Education Research General Not listed Not listed
Richard D. Shuman General Not listed Not listed
Suraj B. Singh General Retired Not listed
Clyde K. Smith General Professor Emeritus, Food Animal Health Program Not listed
Malcolm Herbert Smith Education Research General Professor Emeritus Not listed
Wilfred T. Springer Education Research General Professor and Head Not listed
Nammalwar Sriranganathan Academia General Professor Emeritus Virginia Tech
A. Ian Swann General Not listed Not listed
Eileen L. Thacker Government Immunology Not listed Not listed
Deoki N Tripathy Education Research General Professor Not listed
Marvin J. Twiehaus General Professor Emeritus Not listed
Hana Van Campen Education Research Virology
Assistant Professor Not listed
Pedro Villegas-Narvaez Education Research General Professor Not listed
Thomas E. Walton Government General Director, Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health Not listed
Gilbert E. Ward General Professor Not listed
Ronald D. Welsh Diagnostics General Veterinary Microbiologist Not listed
John M. Wempe Academia Bacteriology & Mycology
Assistant Dean, Medical Student Affairs Not listed
Howard W. Whitford General Retired Not listed
Alexander J. Winter Education Research General Professor of Vet Microbiology Not listed
Roland W. Winterfield General Professor Not listed
Lynn F. Woodard Education Research General Head/Director Not listed
Anne M. Zajac Academia Parasitology Professor Emeritus Virginia Tech