Directory of Diplomates
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Diplomate Listing
Name | Field | Specialization | Job Title | Organization |
Fábio A. Abade dos Santos | Diagnostics | Virology Immunology |
Assistant Professor | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Lusófona University |
Francis R. Abinanti | Academia | General | Not listed | Not listed |
Mohamed A Abouelkhair | Academia | Immunology Virology |
Associate professor of Virology and Clinical Immunology and a founding faculty member | Department of Diagnostic Medicine and Pathobiology Shreiber School of Veterinary Medicine Rowan University, New Jersey |
Mathew Abraham | Industry | Virology | Associate Principal Scientist | Merck & Co., Inc. |
Hayley R. Adams | Academia | Virology | Director of Operations | Not listed |
Garry Adams | Academia | Honorary | Not listed | Not listed |
Christopher Brian Adolph | Industry | Parasitology | Senior Veterinary Specialist | Zoetis |
Khawaja Ashfaque Ahmad | Diagnostics | Immunology Bacteriology & Mycology Virology |
Veterinary Virologist & Section Head - Virology, Molecular Diagnostics & TSE | Animal Health Centre | Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Government of British Columbia |
Amira A A Ahmed | Academia | Parasitology | Veterinary Parasitologist | Louisiana State University |
Ezgi Akdesir | Diagnostics | Virology Bacteriology & Mycology |
Diagnostic Scientist | Institute of Veterinary Bacteriology, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern |
Arnold D. Alstad | General | Not listed | Not listed | |
Jaime B. Anderson | Education Research | Virology | Not listed | Not listed |
David P. Anderson | Education Research | General | Dean Emeritus, CVM UGA | Not listed |
James R. Andreasen Jr. | Industry | Virology | Not listed | Not listed |
Eman Anis | Academia | Virology | Assistant Professor of Clinical Microbiology | University of Pennsylvania |
Marie Archambault | Academia | Bacteriology & Mycology | Associate Dean Academic Affairs, Professor | Faculté de médecine vétérinaire, Université de Montréal |
Lisanework E Ayalew | Academia | Virology Bacteriology & Mycology |
Assistant Professor | Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island |